Author Archives: davidbackes

Spam Friday! My Favorite 5 Spam Comments from our Blog

I thought it would be fun to post a few of my favorite spam comments from our “real” search engine marketing blog.

  1. I bow down humbly in the perescne of such greatness.
  2. Thank God! Smoeone with brains speaks!
  3. Fell out of bed feeling down. This has bgrihtened my day!
  4. It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunsinhe.
  5. Stands back from the keyboard in aamzeenmt! Thanks!

Sky Rockets in Flight

Pink Ponies: A Case Study

Friday Funny: Amazon Customer Images

Laptop Steering Wheel Desk: Customer Generated Images Win!

And just in case Amazon ever wises up and removes them:

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The Best 450 Slide Presentation Ever