Andy Lohr

Hey all, the new guy to Anvil by 1 week here!  I originally hail from Charlotte, North Carolina and attended Duke University where I received a degree in Art History.  I then headed to California to pursue graduate work in the same subject, and after studying all that old art I thought my next logical career choice would be to head into internet marketing.  I do miss Duke basketball though since moving out west, and I tear up watching videos like this:

Having over a decade of online experience I can really say that I remember, unlike most of these young whippersnappers at Anvil.  Most days you will find me peering deeply into my dual monitors as I try to figure out WTF is going on with these PPC campaigns.  Either that, or I’m just doing the old George Costanza maneuver where I look annoyed to seem busy, mostly so I can stay awake from having a young baby at home:

If you need any help managing insane PPC campaigns that freeze your computer when you try to load them then I’m your guy; but as a warning I don’t really do accounts that have less than 1 million keywords.  That’s all for now, back to AdWords editor!

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