Leisa Hall


Leisa Hall at Urban Golf

Leisa rocking out at Urban Golf in SE Portland. Just a little stop at a chopper shop mid-way through the 6th hole.



As Portland’s resident Blood Mary expert, I am frequently looking for any and all excuses to concoct these fabulous bevies at the Anvil offices. Who says you can’t manage PPC campaigns after a few drinks? Please, I can get you a 1200% ROI with one hand tied behind my back. Not that I like to talk to things like that…

In fact, it’s my number one mission in life to not let people know that deep down I’m a total internet geek. And I do a pretty good job of it outside of the office. You can typically find me at the hippest, most underground hot spots in Portland. I would tell you where they are, but well…I won’t. And when I say hip, I mean the darkest dive bars in town. You know the ones, especially if you have been able to join me on one of my legendary dive bar bus tours.

I’ve been known to escape the city on occasion to pedal my way across Eastern Oregon, or visit the fam in the deep South. A city girl has got to get out once in a while. And there is nothing like some fresh air and sunshine to inspire you to buy that next pair of fabulous shoes. There may or may not be an entire room in my bachelorette pad that serves as my closet.

Claims to fame:

  • Pioneering the use of bacon as bloody mary garnish. This really was my idea and any restaurant in the Portland metro area that is doing this owes me a percentage of all bloody mary sales.
  • Able to grow a luscious Chia Pet. The trick is the greenhouse effect, and occasionally singing to it.
  • Laying down the hottest beats around the Anvil digs. I’ll give DJ McPhizzle a run for his money any day. Can you handle the L-Train?
  • Never leaving home without a beer koozy. You can never be too prepared. No one wants chilly beer hand syndrome.

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